A Workout Routine to Maximize Muscle Growth

For beginners, the question is always on how they can achieve maximum muscle growth in a short time.The best way to build muscle is by studying and understanding how the muscle fibers grow, their physiology and the best training programs to maximize the muscle fiber hypertrophy. In this article we will discuss the various types of body muscles, their physiology and work out routines to achieve muscle growth.

There are three types of muscle fibers:-

Type 1 muscle fibers

These are also called slow oxidative fibers which are the first muscle fibers to be recruited during activity. They are slow contracting and although they have high contents of myoglobin, they have low levels of glycogen hence using anaerobic glycolysis for energy production. These fibers have a high oxidative capacity due to high vascularization and mitochondria levels hence have a slow rate of fatigue. Type 1 fibers are best suited for endurance activities such as long distance training.

Type iiamuscle fibers

These are also called fast oxidative fibers and are the second to be recruited during activity. Like type 1 fibers they have high content of myoglobin and many mitochondrial, but the glycogen is higher than in type 1 hence they moderately fatigue. They have fast contractile speeds making them suited for activity requiring both anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis.

Type iib fibers

They are also called fast glycolytic fibers and are recruited third during activity. They have a few capillaries, mitochondria, and low myoglobin content. These fibers have a high amount og glycogen stores for glycogen but they fatigue quickly as they don�t use oxygen for fuel. Type iib fibers have powerful contractility and the fast myosin ATPase activity makes them appropriate for short term intense movements such as resistant training.

Physiology of muscle fibers

When a muscle fiber is used a lot, it adapts to reduce stress. These muscle changes are dependent on various factors such as type of activity and muscle fiber used, load exerted on the muscle, and velocity and duration of muscle fiber contraction.

Muscle growth which is one of the adaptations occurs through repeated and chronic anaerobic, high resistance training. High intensity resistant activity causes neural adaptations which result in changes in muscular endurance, strength and eventual size increment. Resistant training also causes an increase in cross-sectional area of muscle fibers without increment in numbers.

Muscle growth training program

The best training exercises for muscle growth is the anaerobic, high intensity resistant training which provides the maximum stimulus for muscle fiber hypertrophy. The high resistant training splits depend on the stage of the trainee. Beginners would experience maximum benefits by 2-3 whole body resistance training sessions. Full body training per each session allows maximum production of anabolic hormone compared to regional training. On the other hand, experienced trainee requires 3-6 regional body splits.

Resistance training exercises are the compound, multi joint exercises as they stimulate more of the body to perform the activity, hence activating more muscle fibers. Some of the best compound exercises for muscle growth include squats, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press, pull ups and dips.

For muscular growth is best achieved by using heavy load resistant training of high intensity of at least 70%1RM and high volume. With practice, progressive overload induce further adaptations and changes resulting in muscular growth. Progressive overload is achieved by three methods. Increase intensity of exercise or resistance /weight while maintaining the same set and rep range. The second way is by increasing the volume by increasing number of sets or reps at same or higher resistance. The third way is by changing the tempo and training velocity and rest periods. Although both fast and slow velocity training increase muscle mass, fast velocity has a higher capability of inducing greater muscle development especially type iia and type iib muscle fibers.

Nutrition is the a determining factor to muscle growth as the more the exerted muscles are saturated with nutrients, the better recovery and fast increase in muscle growth. Taking food supplements such as protein supplements can help provide the best suited muscle building block. Other supplements can help in nutrition delivery such as improvement of blood circulation and help sustain energy and endurance during workout hence contributing to maximum muscle growth.


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